Singapore loves a good local brand story, and THERGAB is proving that Vietnamese craftsmanship is a hit. As a brand that blends style, quality, and novelty, THERGAB has carved out a niche in the competitive world of fashion accessories. This is the tale of how a small Vietnamese bag brand managed to capture the hearts of Singaporeans, largely thanks to a strategic partnership with A2E.


I. The Rise of THER GAB

1. The Brand’s Origin:

THERGAB’s story unfolds in the vibrant streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Immersed in the city’s dynamic energy and rich cultural heritage, the founders envisioned creating bags that transcended mere functionality. They aimed to craft pieces that embodied a modern Vietnamese aesthetic, reflecting the country’s unique character.

This fusion of heritage and modern design became the driving force behind THERGAB’s creations. Their inspiration stemmed from the very essence of Vietnam – its bustling energy, its long-standing traditions, and its emerging contemporary style.

2. Focus on Quality and Novelty:

From the very beginning, THERGAB has been unwavering in its commitment to two key pillars: exceptional quality and refreshing novelty. They meticulously select high-quality materials to ensure their bags are not just beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.
However, their dedication goes beyond just the materials. THERGAB places a strong emphasis on crafting unique designs. Their bags are not simply replications of current trends; they are innovative and fashion-forward, with a distinct Vietnamese touch. This focus on originality allows them to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

3. Why Singapore Was a Perfect Fit:

Singapore proved to be the ideal launchpad for THERGAB’s international expansion for several reasons:

First, Singapore boasts a population with a strong appreciation for quality. Consumers there are willing to invest in well-made products that will last.

Secondly, Singapore has a flourishing love affair with local brands, particularly those from Southeast Asia. The city-state is a melting pot of cultures, and residents are eager to embrace unique products that reflect the region’s rich heritage.
This appreciation for both quality and local brands created the perfect environment for THERGAB to showcase its Vietnamese-inspired, high-quality bags.

II. A2E: More Than a 3PL Provider

1. Introduction to A2E:

A2E, or “Anywhere to Everyone,” is a logistics and supply chain management company specialising in third-party logistics (3PL). We provide end-to-end solutions that cover everything from warehousing and distribution to order fulfilment and customer service.

2. The Partnership with THERGAB:

When THERGAB decided to expand into Singapore, they needed more than just a logistics provider—they needed a partner who understood their vision. A2E stepped in, offering tailored solutions that went beyond mere logistics. They helped THERGAB navigate the complexities of entering a new market, from understanding local regulations to optimizing their supply chain for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

3. Brand Partner Philosophy:

A2E’s philosophy is centered around being a true partner to their clients. They believe in going above and beyond to ensure their clients succeed, and this was evident in their work with THERGAB. By providing comprehensive support, A2E helped THERGAB establish a strong presence in Singapore’s competitive market.

III. Conquering Sift & Pick: The Singapore Strategy

1. Challenges and Opportunities:

Venturing into a new market like Singapore presented THERGAB with a unique set of hurdles. Here were some key challenges they faced:
Competition: Sift & Pick is a popular platform with a vast selection of established brands. Standing out and capturing consumer attention was a significant obstacle.

Logistics: Ensuring smooth product delivery across borders and establishing efficient fulfilment processes were crucial for customer satisfaction.

However, with A2E by their side, THER GAB was able to transform these challenges into opportunities:
A2E’s Logistics Expertise: A2E’s established network and experience in Singapore ensured seamless product warehousing, fulfilment, and delivery. This allowed THER GAB to focus on brand building and marketing, confident that their products would reach customers quickly and efficiently.

2. Marketing and Branding – Capturing the Hearts (and Wallets) of Singaporean Shoppers

To resonate with Singaporean shoppers, THERGAB required a strategic marketing approach. Here’s how they conquered the digital marketplace:

Social Media Savvy: Eye-catching social media campaigns showcased the quality and design of THERGAB bags. Engaging content and strategic use of hashtags helped them connect with their target audience.

Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with relevant Singaporean influencers allowed THERGAB to tap into established audiences and gain credibility. Influencers showcased THERGAB bags in their content, generating excitement and trust among potential customers.

Targeted Advertising: Utilizing targeted ads on social media platforms and Sift & Pick itself allowed THERGAB to reach their ideal customers and drive traffic to their online store.

Promotional Strategies: Strategic promotions like discounts and limited-edition collections enticed customers, boosted sales, and created a sense of exclusivity.

3. Success Metrics:

The impact of THERGAB’s strategic approach on Sift & Pick has been undeniable. Here are some potential success metrics to illustrate their achievements:

Sales Growth: A significant increase in sales since launching on Sift & Pick, demonstrating a strong customer base.

Customer Engagement: High levels of engagement on social media platforms and positive customer reviews on Sift & Pick, indicating brand loyalty and satisfaction.

Product Ratings: Consistently high ratings for THERGAB bags on Sift & Pick, highlighting the quality and value proposition appreciated by customers.

These metrics paint a clear picture: THERGAB has successfully conquered Sift & Pick and established itself as a beloved brand among Singaporean shoppers.

IV. THERGAB’s Appeal: Why Singapore Shoppers Love Them

Singaporean shoppers have fallen head over heels for THER GAB, and it’s easy to see why. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors driving their success:

  • Unwavering Commitment to Quality and Craftsmanship:

The foundation of THERGAB’s appeal lies in their unwavering dedication to quality. They meticulously select high-grade materials, ensuring their bags are not just beautiful but also built to last. This commitment to durability resonates with Singaporean consumers who appreciate well-made products that become cherished companions.

  • Uniquely Designed, Not Simply Defined:

THERGAB doesn’t follow trends; they set them. Their bags are not mere replications of what’s popular; they boast innovative and fashion-forward designs with a distinct Vietnamese touch. This unique blend of modern aesthetics and Vietnamese heritage sets them apart from the sea of generic bags on Sift & Pick. Whether it’s a subtle nod to Vietnamese patterns or a contemporary twist on traditional materials, THERGAB injects personality into every piece, allowing customers to express their individuality.

  • The Allure of Local Brands: Supporting Stories, Not Just Products

There’s a growing trend among Singaporean shoppers – a desire to support smaller brands with a strong identity. Consumers are increasingly drawn to brands with a story, a purpose beyond just selling products. THERGAB perfectly embodies this spirit. Their Vietnamese roots and focus on quality craftsmanship resonate with those seeking authenticity. By choosing THERGAB, Singaporean shoppers aren’t just buying a bag; they’re supporting a brand with a rich heritage and a passion for creating something special.


What is THER GAB?

THER GAB is a Vietnamese brand that offers high-quality bags with unique designs that are both timeless and trendy. Their commitment to using sustainable materials and crafting unique designs quickly set them apart in the Vietnamese market.

Where can I buy THER GAB bags?

THER GAB bags are available for purchase online through Sift & Pick, a popular e-commerce platform in Singapore.

Why do Singaporeans love THER GAB bags?

Singaporeans appreciate THER GAB for their quality craftsmanship, unique designs, and the brand’s authentic Vietnamese roots.

Does THER GAB ship internationally?

Currently, THER GAB sells primarily through Sift & Pick, which operates in Singapore. It’s unclear if they offer international shipping through their website. You can check their website or contact them for clarification.

What is THER GAB’s return policy?

Since THER GAB sells through Sift & Pick, their return policy would likely adhere to Sift & Pick’s specific guidelines. Refer to Sift & Pick’s website or app for details on their return policy.

THERGAB’s journey to conquering Sift & Pick in Singapore is an inspiring testament to the power of quality, innovation, and strategic partnerships. By partnering with A2E, a company that goes beyond just logistics, THERGAB was able to navigate the challenges of a new market and develop a winning strategy for Sift & Pick. Ready to experience the unique blend of Vietnamese heritage and modern design? Check out THERGAB’s collection on Sift & Pick and discover your new favorite bag!